Happy Employees == Happy ClientsCAREERS AT DEPT®

Ali Halim

A collection of 2 posts

How to add Disqus to your site with a custom look and feel

How to add Disqus to your site with a custom look and feel

A recent client had a requirement to add comment sections to articles on their site. The ask was to have the sections maintain the site's branding for a nice, unified digital experience. Could it be done?

Ali Halim5 min read
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Integration Testing NestJS APIs with a Test Database

Integration Testing NestJS APIs with a Test Database

Unit tests for APIs can sometimes provide little to no value, so the next logical step is often to write integration tests. You don’t want to touch live data though, and want tests to make assertions against actual (un-mocked) service logic. The following is an approach to do just that.

Ali Halim8 min read
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