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How & why I used chat GPT to convert templates

How & why I used chat GPT to convert templates

How we bridged Backend with Frontend by converting template syntax and how AI helped. What is templating? In web templating, a template acts as a blueprint or a skeleton for the web page. It contains the static parts of the page layout and defines placeholders or variables where dynamic content can be inserted. I believe every developer is familiar with it, as it comes from the ‘ancient’ web development times and has been around for decades. The ISML templating ISML stands for “Intershop

Mykyta Meshcheriakov4 min read
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Deploying GPT4 in the enterprise: How I created a NetSuite/Slack support bot

Deploying GPT4 in the enterprise: How I created a NetSuite/Slack support bot

See how I attempted to revolutionize our Tier 1 NetSuite support using ChatGPT.

Sven Witteveen7 min read
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