PlatformsPrisma vs KyselyWe decided to give Prisma a try recently to see how well it performed. Prisma impressed us with its developer experience (DX) and abstractions. Yet, we encountered challenges and performance issues. It even forced us to shape the database schema based on its limitations.
PlatformsFlexible UI components made easy with Jetpack ComposeLearn how to create reusable UI components with Google's new modern UI toolkit for Android.
PlatformsHeadless HTML: A light speed content migration approachThis article outlines a strategy for migrating content from a traditional CMS to a Headless CMS, focusing on HTML-to-rich-text conversion challenges. It suggests migrating raw HTML and applying scoped CSS during rendering for old articles, allowing gradual updates to maintain content integrity.
PlatformsRapid Enterprise Development with RedwoodJSGet an overview of the RedwoodJS framework by following this quick tutorial and building a sample application.
reactUnleashing the Plumbing Superhero: Fixing a Memory Leak caused by Emotion, Chakra-UI, and Dynamic Props!This blog post explores a memory leak caused by Emotion, Chakra-UI, SSR, and dynamic props in web development. It covers their significance, impact, detective work, solution, and impressive results.
KotlinWhat I learned about network programming with Kotlin/NativeA note to preface: you can find the project repository here. The origin story After a while developing software in Java, I was intrigued by all the praise of Kotlin and also interested in Kotlin/Native as a way to develop applications that don't require a VM to run. Inspired by this Golang implementation of traceroute, I settled on trying my hand at implementing traceroute with Kotlin/Native. tracerte is already available on every operating system, so why the hell would I rewrite it? Good qu
PlatformsSetting up PostGIS with Rails and ActiveRecord on Fly.ioHow to get Ruby on Rails working with PostGIS and PostgreSQL on
PlatformsI believe I can Fly [A review]Very soon Fly will become a contender to fully replace Heroku and will be much more simple and easy to use than something like Kubernetes or any of AWS's offerings. Right now, it's great for hobbyists or a team with one or two developers.
ChatgptStrengths & Weaknesses of GPT-3 for Enhancing Developer EfficiencyIn this article, we will explore the usefulness of GPT-3 for developers by examining its performance in handling three common challenges that they may encounter in their work. These challenges include generating new code, explaining unfamiliar code constructs, and deciphering unusual error messages.
KotlinKotlin Multiplatform Mobile: The Whats and WhysThe what could be described as a cross-platform solution for mobile development. But, there is a big difference between a cross-platform solution and Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile.
TypeScriptT3: Rise of the MonorepoBuilding full-stack monorepo's doesn't have to be a headache. With the T3 stack we can quickly spin up full-stack, typesafe Next.js projects.
javaPublishing to Maven Central, a retrospectivePackage management can be something of a headache, but it doesn't have to be that way. Here's some tips to get you on your way with Maven Central.
javaFinding Database Issues Fast with Java and Spring BootWhat if you could catch badly performing queries during your local development process? The Spring Boot SQL Explain library does this for you.
PlatformsIntegration Testing NestJS APIs with a Test DatabaseUnit tests for APIs can sometimes provide little to no value, so the next logical step is often to write integration tests. You don’t want to touch live data though, and want tests to make assertions against actual (un-mocked) service logic. The following is an approach to do just that.
PlatformsUnion and Intersection Typeguards in TSIf you’ve ever been interested in complex typings in TypeScript, particularly when it comes to typeguards, this is the article for you!
PlatformsWhy I built a new state management libraryI know what you're thinking because that's my reaction when I hear something like this, so I get it. But it's not like that, I swear.
PlatformsDependency Injection for Type Script AWS LambdasWe talk about Microsoft's dependency injection package TSyringe and its different dependency scopes. We explain how to use resolution scoped dependencies over transient, singleton, and container scoped dependencies to limit the scope of a dependency to a single lambda invocation.
AWSBest Practices for Terraform AWS Tags: Part 2AWS tags are key-value labels you can assign to AWS resources that give extra information about it.
PlatformsMachine Learning: Explain it Like I’m Five [ Podcast]If you've heard a lot about AI and machine learning, but don't understand it, this month's episode is for you.
PlatformsGetting Started with Parallel Processing in RustRust helps mitigate concurrency hazards by design, but it's still up to the programmer to construct their program logic thoughtfully so they can take advantage of the power of concurrent and parallel processing.
reactWhy You Should Use React Native For Your Next Mobile AppMany seem to think that the only proper way to create a phone app is by engineering it natively. In this post, I break down why React Native is a great way to build an app.
PlatformsFrom RxJava to LiveData (and back?)Here are some things that might be useful for someone else who has experience with RX and starts using LiveData for the first time.
PlatformsOrganizing AWS microservices with Python, Serverless, and namespace packagesOur project began with a small ask: build a small Python back-end using AWS Lambda and API Gateway (with just a handful of endpoints to support a few pages) and use Serverless [] to manage the Cloud Formation setup. Not very involved, not much code, not even much configuration for the deploy. Next came authentication. In pursuing the joint dreams of DRTW ("don't reinvent the wheel") and WALCAP ("write as little code as possible"), we selected AWS Cognito over other opti
PlatformsDeployments at Scale with AWS ECR and ECSWith DevOps at DEPT, one of our primary goals is to make the life of the developer easier. A specialty of ours is assisting in our customer's deployment process.
iOSiOS Accessibility: Dynamic TypeNowadays just about everyone, everywhere, regardless of age and ability, uses a smartphone. With that in mind, it’s more important than ever to consider all the different ways to make your app accessible to everyone to ensure an inclusive experience. In this series, we’ll be discussing different ways iOS developers can make their apps more accessible. First up, we’ll be talking about Dynamic Type. Dynamic Type is a feature on iOS that enables the app’s content to scale based on the user's pre
PlatformsCreate a Rust web service, from zero to cloudThis tutorial will describe how to... install Rust, create a new project and manage dependencies, Set up a simple web server, and compile the app and deploy to a virtual server. I'll be working on Ubuntu 20.04 but most of the setup should be the same on macOS or a different flavor of Linux.
PlatformsHow to Build a full page calendar with ReactLearn how to build a full-page calendar using React.
PlatformsReusable Patterns in CloudFormationAt DEPT, we use a variety of tools to provision infrastructure in the cloud. In this post, we take a look at some of the reusable patterns we've developed using AWS CloudFormation.
PeopleGitOps with Terraform, Terragrunt and GitHub WorkflowsIn this post, we'll define GitOps, review a sample Terraform app module repo and an associated GitHub Workflow to lint and version the module repo, and review a sample Terragrunt live repo and a GitHub Workflow to apply infrastructure changes.
PlatformsCI/CD with CodeBuild and CodePipelineRecently, we've used a few of AWS's services to create full integration and delivery solutions. In this post we'll look at how we've used AWS CodeBuild and CodePipeline to create a cost effective, performant and code driven end-to-end CI/CD solution.
PlatformsSecurely Storing Data on iOSOur mobile devices and the apps that run on them have a unique insight into our lives. We use them for communication, entertainment, shopping, photography, navigation, and myriad other purposes. Consequently, apps have access to a great deal of information about our preferences, our contacts, where we go, what we buy, and who we are. As app developers, we need to be cognizant of the information being handled by our apps and to safeguard it accordingly. The protection of sensitive information is
PlatformsUsing Unity with Swift for ARIn this post, I’ll dive into some of the technical challenges of AR as well as our preferred solution, focusing on integrating Unity into an iOS project.
PlatformsHeroku Review Apps with Automated Custom Domains on Route 53We were recently transitioning a client to use Heroku build pipelines for their Next.js project that handles most business logic through an external API, including authentication and cookie handling. This pipeline uses Heroku's review apps [] as well as separate instances for staging and production environments. The client handled their domains through AWS's Route 53 [] DNS service. Pointing thei
PlatformsSQL 101 for Product ManagersThe following presentation was transcribed from “SQL and Python for Product Managers” webinar, presented by Colorado Product Meetup and senior software engineer, Brian Schiller. It has been edited for clarity.
PlatformsFreeRTOS Tutorial: Getting Started with ESP32 on LinuxTo help others as they make their way through this process, we decided to document and release our findings as a FreeRTOS tutorial for developers. Here is how to get started with ESP32 on Linux.
PlatformsFreeRTOS Tutorial: Create a Hello World Application with ESP32To help others as they make their way through this process, we decided to document and release our findings as a FreeRTOS tutorial for developers. Here is how to create a Hello World application.
AWSBest Practices for Terraform AWS TagsAWS tags are key-value labels you can assign to AWS resources that give extra information about it.
PlatformsOn Design Systems: Platforms and ImplementationThe challenges discussed in this entry are specifically relevant to individuals that have roles in engineering leadership, user interface architecture, and design systems engineering.
rustC++ v. Rust -Speed, Safety, & Community ComparisonIn this post, we’ll be comparing C++ with Rust, sharing our thoughts on when you should use each language, and predicting the future of C++ vs Rust.