Happy Employees == Happy ClientsCAREERS AT DEPT®

Ideas & insights from the DEPT® software development community

Building a future-ready content integration layer with MACH

Building a future-ready content integration layer with MACH

Many organizations are pursuing a headless strategy for enterprise content management. A common term to describe this approach is MACH: microservices, API-first, cloud, headless. This architecture consists of many services, deployed in the cloud, communicating and producing data via APIs. In MACH architectures, it's good practice to have an integration layer to synthesize these sources of data before providing it to a front-end. CMS content is a common integration point, as it's close to the fr

Jon Madden5 min read
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Code cuisine: A recipes app built using the latest Android architecture (2024)

Code cuisine: A recipes app built using the latest Android architecture (2024)

This project aims to showcase many of the latest tools and best coding practices recently introduced by Google for Android development.

Nomaan Khalid3 min read
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